Early College Lacrosse Rankings

College lacrosse has been gone since May 28th, 2018. The last national champions were the Yale Bulldogs beating Duke. The final score was 13-11. This was a special occasion for the Bulldogs because it was the first time in the school history. For 2019 the schedule has still not been released. The college lacrosse season is far away but here are the top 5 ranked teams: 

  1. Virginia Cavaliers

Virginia came off a good season in 2018.  Their record was 12-6. They are losing 23% of their seniors. They are not losing many seniors and they will still have a young team to make it to the playoffs. They have a young coach as he is only in his second year coaching the Cavaliers. The best players that played were the juniors, so this helps the Cavaliers have one more good season. 

  1. Cornell

They went 13-5 in the 2018 season. They are losing 28.3% of their seniors so they are also going to be  a  young team. They made It into the quarterfinals against Maryland but came up short. They put up a good fight with the final score being 13-8. Maryland was ranked 1st while Cornell came in not even being a ranked team. 

  1. Maryland

Coming off being ranked number one with a record of 14-4 they are looking to stay in the top 3. They made it to the semifinals but came up short and lost to Duke 13-8. They are losing about 43% of their seniors and are going to rely on their Freshman, Sophomores, and the Juniors. The Seniors scored 151 of 329 points which is 46%. The Terps are one of the best odds to win the next National Championship. 

  1. Duke

Duke coming off losing in the National Championship to Yale are looking to get revenge against the team that put them down.  They had a record of 16-4. They are losing only 88 seniors out of their 200. Duke is looking to dethrone Yale to get their fourth National Championship in this decade. 

  1. Yale 

Yale had a record of 17-3. They have the biggest move to be the next National champions because they won their first one in school history in 2018. They want to prove everyone wrong that beating duke in the Championship was not a fluke. They are going to have a young team. That young team was who led the Bulldogs to the championship last year.