Curriculum Night


Curriculum Night was Wednesday February 8th from 6:00-8:30pm in Dakota’s main building for the incoming ninth and tenth graders. The evening featured a combination of presentations and tables to introduce what to expect freshman and sophomore years. Many students and parents alike attended the event. 

There were two presentations on academics. The first was for incoming freshmen and their parents and was held from 6:00-7:15pm. The second was for incoming sophomores and went from 7:15-8:30pm. The presentations were held in the auditorium and contained lots of important information about entering high school or the main building. They also highlighted the AP classes that underclassmen are allowed to take. Those classes are AP World History and AP US History. Faculty from both buildings introduced themselves and shared information about their positions. Current Freshman Allison Cook said “It was very informative and worth it to go and learn about what to expect for 10th grade!” After the presentations were completed, teachers were present to answer questions about their classes for a wide variety of subjects.  


Various tables were set up for clubs in the library so students could get more information and informally sign up for different activities including Freshman Class Council, Quiz Bowl, Science Olympiad, Coalition Teen Council (CTC), Gender and Sexuality Alliance, and She’s The First to name a few. Many of the clubs decorated their tables with posters and more information on all of the activities they do.

There were plenty of giveaways and most students left with an armload of items. Most clubs offered flyers or brochures. The Women’s Society of Engineers gave out candy at their table while CTC gave out wristbands.  

The National Honors Society, as well as the Spanish, German, and French National Honors Societies were represented by tables, even though they are only for upperclassmen. Senior Caitlin Jenkins said, “I worked the Spanish National Honors Society table and encouraged students to take Spanish classes in high school.” This provided the 9th and 10th graders with information on the clubs that they could look forward to joining in future years.  


Multiple Dakota sports teams had information about their practice schedules, seasons, and when try-outs are for each sport. Many students were able to talk with current athletes and ask questions about what to expect.  

Tables for the classes were located in the atrium. The Culinary Arts Career Technical Education (CTE) program had representatives to share about this class. Rumor has it that the culinary arts students gave away food at their table if you came at the right time. The Medical Academy, another CTE class, and the connected club, the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) had a table run by students who go to the hospital as a part of their coursework. Leadership class had their own table to encourage students to join and to apply to be in Leadership 2, which is an application only class where students get to plan school events, including the Walk-a-Thon and Volleybuff.

The Cougar Den, which is run by Marketing students, was open for students and families to buy Dakota gear including sweatshirts, sweatpants, hats, and more! Incoming freshmen were spotted purchasing Dakota sweatshirts in a variety of colors to wear in Middle School later this week. The mascot was also walking around to add to the festivities and take pictures with students.