Help Baby Chicks at Wayne Farms Hatchery

Wayne farms is one of the nation’s largest chicken slaughter companies. Wayne farms overlook crushed, dying, and hurt chicks every day. PETA has collected evidence of Wayne farms leaving baby chicks in crates stacked on top on each other. When crates are stacked on top of each other with chicks still in them it crushes the baby chicks and leaves them with broken bones, legs bent the wrong way, dying, and flattened out. These chicks will be left over night or longer until someone checks the crates. Baby chicks are left to suffer each day in these crates just to be thrown into a grinder, still alive, the next day. Many chicken-meat industries mislead their consumers by putting things like “humanely raised animals” or “ethically raised animals” label on their meat which is false advertisement to make the meat more appealing to the consumers. Putting “humanely” or “ethically”  on animal products makes people believe that it is OK to consume their meat, eggs, and milk because their animals are treated with care.

If you would like to help end the suffering of baby chicks at Wayne farms please sign this petition below.