Ban Animals from Performing in Shows

Many circuses, venues, and communities have stopped using wild animals in their shows. However, there are many fairs that still support the use of wild animals. Animals used in shows include tigers, giraffes, monkeys, and sea lions. Experts say to avoid transporting giraffes as they are very fragile. Transportation for giraffes is physically and psychologically distressing to them.

In order for tigers to live healthy and happy they need hundreds of miles to roam, swim, climb, choose their mates, and raise their cubs. In captivity they do not have the ability to do any of that. They are transported in tiny cramped cages from city to city forced to perform tricks.

Elephants are also used in many fairs. They are forced to walk up to 30 miles a day and often are forced to give rides to people. They live in constant fear of getting hit with bull hooks which are sharp steel tip weapons that are hit in the most sensitive part of their bodies.

To help end animals being used in shows and performing tricks sign this petition below.