Northern Rockies Wolves Need Help

In 48 states in the United States a landmark court decision was made to restore the Endangered Species Act to give protection to gray wolves. Although this act does protect most wolves it still does not protect the wolves of the northern Rockies that are still being massacred in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hunting and trapping season has already started for wolves and this season alone there has been more than 500 wolves being slaughtered. Some killing methods are brutal. This includes painful strangulation snares. Wolves need all the protection the can get because there population is dramatically decreasing. The Biden Administration admitted that northern Rockies wolves are in danger but they can’t stop the killings. Only restored federal protection can stop the hunt on wolves. Wolves don’t have a high population which mean we have to urge them even more to stop these killings. Help save these wolves by signing the attached link below.