Help end the dog meat trade

Many dogs in other countries go through horrific cruelty and suffering caused by the dog meat trade. Continuing into this article there may be some graphic content talked about and could be upsetting to some people. This article will further talk about the cruel torture and lives that these dogs have to face.

Dogs that are held in the dog meat trade are kept in tiny rusted cages stacked on top of each other. Usually fed garbage as there food. It is said that high adrenaline levels will produce more tender meat and cause it to taste better. In the dog meat trade dogs will be exposed to extreme fear and suffering to boost their adrenaline levels. Methods to getting their adrenaline up is being beaten, hung, electrocuted, and snapping of the neck.

While transporting the dogs they are left with no food or water and put in rusty metal cages for up to 6 hours. Steel cans are forced on their nose while their legs get tied together. Due to the conditions the dogs are in from these methods more than half the dogs die just in transporting. Dog meat traders still use the dead dogs as meat. Another method of torture they use is burning the fur off the dogs.

I have attached a link to sign a petition to stop the dog meat trade.