Senior Honors Night

With graduation upon us all, Seniors in the upcoming weeks are filling their calendars with important dates before the graduation festivities begin, one of which being on May 10th. For those who don’t know, Senior Honors Night is a time to congratulate students on their academic achievement of graduating with Summa, Magna and Cum Laude.  

Students can also be nominated for individual categories of English, Science, Math, Fine Arts, Vocal Male, Vocal Female, Marketing, CTE Internship, Design Technology, Family Consumer Science, CLP (resource room), French, Spanish, and German which are all carefully nominated and selected by teachers in their respective fields. For each individual category, a representative of each field will give a speech and present the award to the chosen student. 

Students and their selection of two guests (there is a request form if one wishes to take more than two guests) enter through the North entrance and take their seats in the atrium. With the addition of refreshments and a brief intermission, the night will begin by announcing the awards of Summa, Magna, and Cum Laude then the awards in each category. 

With all that being said, it is a time to commend students on their noteworthy success in academics throughout their entire journey in high school. It’s an opportunity to recognize the amount of effort it takes to maintain such a high GPA even throughout the trials of online and hybrid schooling. Most of all, it is a time for Seniors to recognize this next step towards graduation and letting this chapter of life come to a close.