Times up

Times up 

“Teller when did you begin to see Sam?” Jessica asked. 

I fiddled with my thumbs and counted how many pieces of lint I could find on the floor, I counted seven.  

“About four months ago.” I answered. 

“And who is Sam?”  

“He is a friend of mine; he watches over me.” 

Her confused and almost worried look, “Is Sam a ghost?”  

“He is a man, a very tall man with dark hair that sways across his eye. I see him frequently, the first night I ever met him was in a park. He called my name from a distance; I didn’t know him until he said his name.” My ears began to ring, Sam, Sam, Sam. That stupid name. 

I throw my body on the floor, “No, no, NO, NO. Please Stop, STOP IT. GET AWAY!”  

“Teller, Teller what do you see-” 

“Hes here right now, GET AWAY FROM ME! Sam I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” 

“Where is Sam at, Teller?” 

I let out a soft cry, “Please don’t hurt me.” 

I’m in a ball at this point nearly holding onto Jessicas leg, my head shifts side to side, tears rolling down my cheek.  

Jessica began to nudge me, “Teller? Teller hun, why was Sam going to Hurt you?” 

“Hes going to kill me.” I whisper  

“Why is he going to kill you?” My grip gets tighter, as my eyes paste shut. 

“He was going to kill her if I didn’t.”  

“Was Sam trying to hurt someone in your family?” Jessica questioned, she rubbed my shoulder up and down while I groan under my breath. My chest feels so tight, my lips are chapped.  

I lick my lips, tasting the blood from the cracks. 

He was going to kill her. 

“Teller? Teller, TELLER? HEY TELLER!” Jessica yells, her voice slowly muffles. 

“Teller… Teller, you didn’t get rid of her.” 

“Six hours 49 minutes 32 seconds.”  

Sam stood tall in front of me, I was running out of time before he got Bianca, finally falling in love with a real girl not just the ones in the catalogs. We both went to the same school and found each other to be quite attractive, the only issue was… she didn’t know about Sam. 

“TELLER?” Jessica screams snapping me back into reality. 

I began to cry, sniffling dry heaps of air. The room looked the same, Sam was gone. 

“Teller who is Sam going after?” Jessica gripped my hand holding on like she saw the exorcist movie. 

“Bianca, he wants me to kill her. I’m running out of time.” I pleaded. 

I pick myself up off of the cold, dry carpet sprinting out the door.  

“TELLER! GET BACK HERE!” Jessica screamed.  

It isn’t too late. 

I ran as quick as I could home, my head hurt from the frequent whispers that creeped louder and louder. 

Bianca, Bianca, Bianca. 

Slamming the door open, shaking the blinds that hang behind the door. Mom always yells at me when I open the door too hard, it doesn’t matter anymore. Mom this dad that. 

“BIANCA!” I blurted out. 

My hands were shaking so bad I could barely dial the correct number on the phone.  

My older sister Lily appeared around the corner, “Teller, what is going on?” 

I hold the phone up to my ear waiting for the ring, voicemail… 

“NO BIANCA, NO! Pick up the phone.”  

My voice cracks as I begin to sob into the phone, “I’m going to lose her no, no, no.” I redial the number hoping for an answer. 


“Teller what has gotten into you?” Lilly questioned. 

“Four hours 23 minutes seven seconds.”  

Looking through the thin glass window was Sam; he began to bang on the glass.  

“He’s back, NO GET AWAY FROM ME.” I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

“Teller there is nobody there, what are you getting so freaked out about?” You could tell Lily was getting annoyed. 

“Sam, leave her alone. Why do you want her?” 

“You know the agreement, Teller; she cannot be yours forever.” Sam whispered. 

“We have to let go of the ones we love, don’t be so selfish.” 

I gasp for air, “please Sam please.” I threw myself on the floor and started to beg. 

“12 minutes 52 seconds, tick tock.” He slowly faded away. 

“Who are you talking to? Hey. Hello? TELLER?” Lily punches me in the side of the arm. 

I bolted towards the door, and out I went. Sprinting down the main road, and nearly getting hit by cars. I repeated the address Bianca had given me. 

“57267 mulberry rd.” 

“57267 mulberry rd.” 

I had created a massive traffic jam, “GET OUT OF THE ROAD KID!” 

“BIANCA!” I continued to scream. 

My eyes locked with the man in the car that continued to scream, next to him was Bianca. I ran to the car and go straight to the passenger’s side. 


My ears begin to ring as my body is sprayed with glass, I turn my head to see a car collided with Biancas car, there she lays, blood running down her forehead.  

“NO, NO, NO.” I screamed. 

The man exits the car, my vision clears.  

“Times up.” 

My body goes numb as I scream in agony, if only I had a few more seconds.