Euphoria Season 2 Finale


’s season 2 finale was released, and it’s filled with so many feelings. Not only we are left on a cliffhanger, but we are given so much info and details on different characters and their stories. Let’s talk about it.

Rue and Jules

What I loved about this season is the representation of Rue and Jules’ relationship. This whole season, we see Rue and Jules back together, even after what went down in the first season. I always thought during this season that their relationship wasn’t like it used to be, especially with Rue relapsing and Eliott in their lives. This season finale solidified that thought. With Rue becoming sober, this opened a new perspective on life for her.

This finale really asked the question: Why keep people who hold you back in your life? It’s okay to grow apart from people, it’s okay to change. Rue decided to walk away from Jules rather than fall back into a relationship that wouldn’t have allowed her to become the person she wants to be. And that’s okay.

Lexi and Rue

Lexi’s play helped Rue in the sense of how her addiction affected the people around her. Obviously, she knew that she was hurting her friends and family. After seeing this play and Rue’s sobriety, I feel like this helped Rue realize what she wants to do with her life and how she wants to live it. She wants to become a better person and someone who can help her grow is Lexi, which is why she wanted to rekindle and fix their relationship.

Maddy and Cassie

And that fight! Seeing Maddy beat up Cassie was definitely something those girls needed. Cassie got into a relationship with her best friend’s boyfriend… What did she expect?

What I found kind of sad was the scene where Cassie, Maddy, and Kat were in the bathroom. It was the aftermath of their fight and Cassie mentions how Nate broke up with her before she even got on stage. Maddy then responds with how this is just the beginning. Throughout this season, Maddy has realized she was in such a toxic relationship. She sees now with Cassie, and the only thing she can warn her with is how that isn’t the end of it. It reveals how hard it can be to leave such a toxic situation.

Cal and Nate

Now how about Cal and his messed-up son? Nate went to go visit his father, in hopes for revenge (which he got, obviously) but instead gets met with an apology. And an ‘I love you’??

With how the season was set up, we were introduced with Cal’s backstory in episode 3. We all felt bad for him. He was a boy who grew up in a homophobic household and didn’t know any better! We all pitied the bad guy. However, nothing can undo what he did during his double life and what he did to his family, which led to Nate turning him in to the cops. Just when Cal thought he could get away with everything…

And Nate… Hearing his father saying, ‘I love you” and apologizing for what he did during Nate’s childhood, did not really help with his decision of turning Cal into the cops. But instead, it encouraged him. This talk is something Nate needed long ago. In Nate’s eyes, it was already too late, and that not everything can be fixed.

Fez and Ash

Last but not least, Ashtray and Fez. Back in episode one, we find out more about Fezco’s life growing up and what role Ash plays in his life. It’s revealed that Ash is like Fezco’s little brother, and this episode revealed more of that.

Fez wanted nothing but to protect Ash, telling him to go run away. But instead, Ash locks himself in the bathroom. In Ash’s mind, he owes this to Fez. He was the one who killed all these people in their lives, maybe the only way for him to repay Fez was to fight for himself rather than Fez taking the blame. 

See the source image

This season was interesting with Kat’s 5 second screen time, Ethan’s part in the play, Lexi’s play exposing everyone, dating your best friend’s boyfriend, Ash killing everyone, etc. It was very drama heavy. Season 3 of Euphoria is set to stream next year, 2023. So, until then, we’re left with many questions unanswered… Does Fez and/or Ash die?