Dakota’s Novelists



Novel name: 

Based on a true story 

By Selena B. 

Selena was inspired to write her novel after passing some older southern homes. The big decks, Columns and light colors reminded her of a time where Women were nothing but a pretty face. She thought of how they were treated differently, almost like children, who didn’t know of the dangers in the world. Selena then saw a massive willow tree, swaying in the wind. Its branches moved softly, almost as if they were relaxed. She then wondered if Women years ago had found comfort in the quiet willow trees and that’s when the story came to her. She based her story around the 1840s where the main character is a young woman who was born by the wrong God. Her parents had prayed for a child but had prayed to a God of Darkness. The main character goes her whole life without a soul, once she realizes she has no sole she goes on an adventure for five symbolic pieces, in hopes of finding herself. She wants to find out who she is and what she needs to do in order to gain her soul. 


Series name: 

Bonds through time 

By D.H 

The Author has been working on the series for around five years with her girlfriend. They thought of the story after being bored. For both, the story was an escape from the problems and other things going on in their lives. Their story revolves around two main characters, a girl named Cortannie Sperlex  who somehow ends up on a different planet in another galaxy, and a guy named Weston Cannaray who had also been stuck there. The main characters are from two completely different times. Weston used to be a show performer in London during the 1700s/Victorian era. Cortannie is from the 2000s and is in her late teens. Cortannie cannot remember who she is or where she came from, she just feels something is off, as if she doesn’t belong. While dealing with not knowing who she is she starts to fall in love with Weston as they’re both stuck on a strange planet, they call Andromina. On Andromina, they discover dragons, magic, sand sharks, extraterrestrials and more while figuring out what happened, who they are and what they’re going to do. 

Book name: 

Optic astrology 

By Morgan Smith 

The author was inspired after watching a show called Battle for dream island. The show came out in 2010 and from all the different shapes and figures smith was determined to create a story about shapes. She decided her main characters would be a kite named Kyle and a domino named domino. Together they escape the cruelty of their homes and report their families to the police. The police take Kyle and domino to an orphanage. There, they grow up experiencing all that they can in a strange world of objects trying to find out who they are and what they are meant for.