Do They Actually Want to go Back?

asking each grade if they actually want to go back

 Question for two freshmen 

Carter Green  

BP: “Do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

CG: “I would like to go back to school so I can interact with my friends and learn better. I’m not doing the best with my grades for online school and I would learn better in person. Online school is confusing for me and for others. Also, it’s stressful to be in a team’s meeting for almost all my hours every day.” 

Carter Green

Nina Wyka 

BP: “do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

NW: “I do really want to go back to school because I think everybody misses being more social and I honestly do feel it’s a little easier to get your work done because at home you are more drawn to falling asleep, wandering around, and being on your phone a lot more. Plus, I’m sure me and a lot of other people miss getting ready for school, going to school functions, and other events. But I do think we can go back to school and manage with the masks.”  

Nina Wyka

Question for two Sophomores 

Alyssa Balcom 

BP: “Do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

AB: “I definitely want to go back to school because I struggle concentrating at my house. In school distractions like my phone, tv, and family members can’t distract me like they can when I’m at home.” 

Alyssa Balcom

Sydney Brandt

BP: “Do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

SB: “In my opinion, I want to go back. Staying at home all day is nice and all, but I get distracted to easily and can’t focus. For me I think it’s harder to learn through a screen, and not having my teacher and classmates in the room with me is hard because mostly everything at this point is individual work.” 


Sydney Brandt

Question for two Juniors 

Morgan Louwers 

BP: “Do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

ML: “No, I don’t want to go back to school. Going from 5 days of school online to 2-3 in person school with “workdays” seems like I would be learning way less than I am at home. The days we aren’t in school and just having workdays will be me sitting at home most likely teaching myself the curriculum then actually learning it as I would during class online.” 

Morgan Louwers


Brooklynn Sam 

BP: “Do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

BS: “I would rather go back to school and be in person because I find it harder to learn online. I lose focus easily and it can be hard to catch up if I am behind because one you get out of your classes you don’t want to do anything else that involves school or the computer screen. 

Brooklynn Sam

Question for two Seniors 

Katelynn Walker 

BP: “Do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

KW: “My answer is both yes and no. I want to go back because we haven’t been there since March and I’m tired of looking at my computer screen. I also miss seeing my friends every day. However, I don’t want to go back because I enjoy going at my own pace in lessons. I also like when we can get off the meeting early if the teacher lets us and is done with instruction. It gives us time to get up and go do something. When I’m in school I feel like I just sit there for a long time and I start to not focus.”   

Katelynn Walker

Jake Webb 

BP: “Do you or do you not want to go back to school and why?” 

JW: “I do want to go back to school. I have gone to school for 12 years with being in school every year. It is a lot harder to learn online compared to in person. It’s also a lot easier to ask questions without having to wait for a response. There is also a plus to going back to school which is seeing your friends.” 

Jake Webb