Ways to Cure Your Boredom

We are at a point where we are patiently waiting for the warm weather to approach, thinking of all the fun things that we will be doing in the summer. For the time being, it would be helpful to know of different things to do keeping us occupied as we finish off the school year including new hobbies and activities to involve yourself in. Instead of continuously scrolling through social media, watching an endless amount of Netflix movies, and simply just wasting your time, try to become more active in your own life. Below will be a list of things to cure your boredom, hopefully after reading this you will have an idea of exactly what to do with your time.  

Begin to journal: If you enjoy writing, journaling is just for you. Not only can you write about your day, but people also like to write about their feelings to feel as if they are sharing it with someone, they are close with. There are multiple variations of journaling like bullet journals, writing to-do lists and your schedule for the day, nature journals, letting your own curiosity take you on an adventure then share it by writing about it, and dream journals, writing your hopes and dreams for the future. 

Re-arrange your space- Sometimes we just feel like we need something new in our lives. Although you may not be moving, just by changing around the furniture in your home or your bedroom could give you a sense of starting off new and being refreshed.  

Clean out your closet- Even though this may not sound like the most fun idea it could be extremely eventful. As you pull out clothes from years ago you are introduced to memories that you can look back on and laugh at. By getting rid of clothes that you know you will not wear again you can donate them, knowing that they are going to someone who needs them more than you.  

Shop- Many people will like the sound of this, as you shop and buy yourself things that you have either been wanting or need, you are filled with joy. Go through your closet beforehand to be aware of what you actually need as well. 

Adventure- You may think that you know the area you live in pretty well, but chances are there are plenty of places close by that you have never even heard of before. Search for restaurants, parks, walking or biking trails, and ice cream spots, you will be surprised with what you can find.  

Go running- Running is not for everyone, but if it is something you like to do and the weather is good, do it! Many people feel as though it gives them a chance to relieve their stress and anxiety. While you run not only are you doing something good for your body, but also your mind.  

Start a garden- Whether it is in your backyard, or a bunch of pots in an area of your home take time to plant fruits, vegetables, and flowers. You will feel a sense of success once you see your plants grow, and it will be even better if you can keep them alive for a long time.  

Paint a picture- Everyone thinks painting is fun, even if they are not good at all. Look for inspiration around your home, outdoors, or just express how you feel with the paintbrush in your hand.  

Start a book- After you finish off your seven season long TV series, try to take a break from staring at a television all day long and switch to a book. Once you know a topic that you like to read about most, it should be easy to find something to read that you will find enjoyable.  

Cook- There are so many things that you could do to keep you occupied for lengthy periods of time. Meal-planning is an effective way to stay organized and causes you to not have to worry about what you are going to make for dinner as it gets late. You could also bake things like cookies and brownies, or even try homemade ice cream.  

Random acts of kindness- Not only does this make you feel good about yourself, but it makes others feel good in the process. Whether it is simply paying for the coffee of the person behind you, bringing food to your best friend, or giving a compliment to someone you are talking to.  

Try yoga- Not only does yoga strengthen your body but it also controls your mind. It is an accessible activity that you can do from home that provides many health benefits.  


More ways to cure your boredom: 
