Le Fleur Brûlante

Told from the notes of a ballet choreographer  

Le fleur brûlante 

A libretto written by Edgar Cousteau



A lonesome flower in the sunlight for days on end as it begins to wilt and dry. Each act passes with different dancers aka plants dealing their own type of reaction to the lonesome fleur trapped in the sun aka the spotlight. 


Possible choices for fleur 

Dahlia Ivanov

Lily Prewitt

Fiona Law


Main Peonies 

Eileen Bishop 

Leslie Isadore (uncertain)


Main Leaves 

Florence Bev

Lydie Leroux


Main Lilies 

Nora Laughlin

Celine Boulet


Main Carnations

Dion Cartier

Adrian Kirk

Jeremy Barrault


The curtain rises; Ms. Ivanov stands in center stage as ensemble groups one and two make their way to upstage. 


Ms. Ivanov’s fluidity begins strong and consistent as fleur has not yet begun to burn (center spotlight on Ms. Ivanov throughout scene as she remains center stage

Main Peonies enter stage left and right as they gossip around fleur –Ivanov remains proud as she continues to dance 

Ensemble groups one and two remain in the upstage with handpicked dancers moving downstage and crossing each other (could bring in an advanced group?) 


Future Analysis for possible changes: 

Ran the beginning scene multiple times as Ms. Ivanov completed the dance with exact precision

Direct groups one and two in facial expressions (express how they can feel a sense of worry for the fleur but choose to ignore it) 

Dim light for Ms. Ivanov in beginning to decrease signs of perspiration 


Curtain closes and scene 2 begins 

Ms. Ivanov’s solo performance begins with spotlight as movements begin to build up (possibly ask band to draw out solo) 

Welcoming and naive expression 

Ensemble groups two and three make their appearance 

Main leaves enter and move towards center stage mirror fleur (make sure both Ms. Bev and Ms. Leroux mirror both expressions and style of Ivanov

It is mostly gentle movements to mark the curiosity of the leaves as the peonies called them over

Ensemble exits both upstage and downstage in groups of three to represent clusters of leaves


Future Analysis for possible changes: 

Ms. Ivanov needs to be separated from other performers due to frequent distractions backstage–have a stagehand monitor when she comes on and off 

Ivanov’s solo can be longer than thirty seconds 

Ensemble groups could exit stage in groups of both twos and threes


Curtain closes as act one ends




Act two scene one 

Curtain opens with Ivanov feeling trapped under the light 

Band progresses as well as Ivanov’s desperation 

Quicker pirouettes in current routine

Ensemble groups one and four enter downstage (more delicate in movements in contrast to the leaves)

Main lilies take center stage with Ivanov and begin to fight for the spotlight (mock pulling of Ivanov’s arms as well as lifting Ivanov in an attempt to pull from the fleur’s roots) –signify jealousy

Ivanov remains center stage as she continues to dance around the fierce lilies (music builds)

The lilies exit abruptly and leave the fleur in a state of despair 


Future Analysis for possible changes: 

With further practice, Ivanov’s ankle twitches when in an arabesque–could be corrected with extra practice hours 

Ms. Boulet could be interchangeable with ensemble group one dancer Sophie Moreau if Boulet is unable to perfect the lift of fleur. 

Since practicing scene one of act two, Ivanov has gained a noticeable amount of weight which could be another reason behind the current failure of the lift–direct Ivanov to a nutritionist as soon as possible 


Act two scene two begins with Ivanov’s first solo 

(show desperation through both expressions and movement; band progresses with an allegro tempo) 


Act two scene three

Open with fifth position en haut of the arms slightly tilted to show the progressive wilting of fleur

Ensemble group three takes upstage and downstage left while group four takes the right as main red carnations are hidden amongst ensemble

Red carnations remain fierce and increase allegro almost jeeringly towards fleur (Ivanov begins to slow in movement with main red carnations mirroring her movements) -mocking

Expressions in Ivanov show hopelessness yet pure desperation as her last chance of survival slips from her grasp

Fleur wilts to the ground as the curtains close


Future Analysis for possible changes: 

Ankle supports have been given to Ivanov and have improved overall performance 

Have costume designer dress main carnations in red (evoking danger)

When working on this scene, have Ivanov in private lessons to further improve both acting and technique 


Final Scene

Ivanov’s solo begins with fleur on the ground

Fluer makes feeble attempts to get up but simply cannot face the light

With one last turn, she falls to the ground and lights fade as the curtain closes


Future Analysis for possible changes: 

Ivanov is beginning to fall ill during both private lessons and dress rehearsals (dim lights further if possible during rehearsals)

Get choreographer in studio one to train both Lily Prewitt and Fiona Law as stand-ins before opening night

Opening Night Overview 

Dhalia Ivanov was absent until five minutes before the start of the performance. Scenes one and two went along smoothly with minimal need for correction. Was informed by stagehand of Ivanov retching backstage just before intermission. She was given a glass of water before act two and was successful in the lift of fleur with the original main lilies. Ivanov worked through her sickness until her final solo, in which her final pirouette fractured the bone in her ankle. For now, Lily Prewitt will be trained and set to perform for the next two weeks as fleur in place of Ivanov until she comes back.