Just imagine this…  

You’re in the middle of the ocean, no lights in sight, and everything around you is pitch dark. Suddenly, in the water next to you, a giant 26-foot black and white blob swims up and nudges you; Several more appear, and you realize you’re surrounded by 7-ton beasts, each with 40-50 3-inch-long sharp teeth.  

It’s not just the appearance and sheer power of Orcas that’s horrifying, it’s their intelligence. No creature on this planet has any right to have the same IQ as a human, advanced analytical skills, and the ability to develop psychopathic tendencies, when they have a bite force of 19,000 psi and 16,000 lbs. (about 7257.47 kg) of weight to back it up. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be around something with that much power and force, with smarts and mental complexity on top of it. Sea World is crazy to trap these animals with vast intelligence and overpowering force in small containment areas, where they literally go insane, and then just let them be around people. It’s a recipe for disaster and we’ve seen why.  

It’s no wonder these things are called “Killer” whales. You thought sharks were scary? Well, these guys eat Great Whites for breakfast. Literally- sharks fear Orcas and avoid them at any cost, they’re the only predator to them besides other sharks. When they do hunt seals, they bop them back and forth in the air with their tails like volley balls, and only sometimes decide they are going to eat the things they kill.  

With all this in mind however, it isn’t our place to interfere with these powerful creatures, there are no known incidents of Orca’s attacking humans outside of captivity (In captivity there have been too many to count), so it is important we leave them to their devices and let them be. Their familial bonds are like humans, and they are highly emotional animals, so trying to mess with them or split them up is quite barbaric. They’re freaky and scare the living biscuits out of me, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less deserving of our respect.