Happy Women’s History Month!

Happy Women's History Month!

March is Women’s History Month! Since 1987, the third month of the year has been dedicated to honor the achievements of women in America. The 2023 theme of Women’s History Month is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories”. According to the National Women’s History Alliance, the theme this year strives to, “encourage the recognition of women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news and social media. This timely theme honors women in every community who have devoted their lives and talents to producing art and news, pursuing truth and reflecting society decade after decade.” Unfortunately, focus on women’s history in K-12 schooling is not touched on as much as it should be. Women’s voices need to be heard. Here is what Dakota is doing to recognize women’s contributions to history, culture and society. 

Every day of this month, the morning announcements will share a fact about a woman and her contributions to American history, or a fact about the month itself. 

On Tuesday, March 21st after school, the Women’s Empowerment Club will be collaborating with She’s the First and showing a film called “Period. End of Sentence.” The purpose of the film is to support and empower the women to shed the taboos in India surrounding menstruation. Concession money for the movie will be donated to help girls in other countries have the opportunity to go to school.

Women’s Empowerment Club will also be putting together hygiene kits to be donated to women’s shelters. They are also still collecting and providing pads and tampons for the bathrooms here at school. 

@theskimm on Twitter posted, “If there’s a specific ‘month’ for a group of people, odds are the rest of the year they aren’t getting the recognition they deserve.” This quote rings true and reminds everyone that even when Women’s History Month is over, women’s contributions should still be credited and appreciated. Tell the great women in your life that you love them!