What Are You Most Excited For?

The end of the school year is closer than it seems. Midterms are right around the corner and the second semester will begin before we know it. This year will be over just as quickly as it began and there is a lot to look forward to in these upcoming months. It is a time for anticipation, change, and planning. There are numerous upcoming events, and many students are beginning to think about their futures. This is what your classmates are most looking forward to before the 2023 school year comes to an end. Needless to say, the most popular answer to this question was graduation. 

Madison Singer, 12: “The thing I am most excited about is the last day of school because then we get to leave. I am second most excited for graduation because then we don’t have to come back again. You could say I have a pretty bad case of senioritis.” 

Makayla Rayis, 12: “I am most excited for prom with my friends because we have a lot of fun things planned and it will be a great way to end the school year.” 

Meredith Benedict, 12: “What I am most excited about for the end of the school year is not waking up early. I absolutely hate waking up early and I think this will be the best part of never going to high school again. I am also very excited about this summer; this summer should be one of the most exciting summers because it’s the last summer before we leave our friends for college. I am excited to go to all my friends’ graduation parties. However, I am nervous because college scares me. I don’t know what I want to do yet and I hope I figure it out soon.” 

Mackenzie Patenaude, 12: “This upcoming year I am most looking forward to college acceptance letters coming out because I am very impatient and highly anticipating which colleges I will get into. I think once I get my college acceptance letter(s) it will help me get my life on track and it will be easier to think about my plans for the future. Like Meredith, I am also looking forward to graduating because I hate waking up so early. I intend to never wake up at six in the morning ever again after this.” 

Jenna Zdravkovski, 12: “There is a lot to look forward to in these next few months. I think I am most looking forward to graduating and going to graduation parties with my friends. It is super exciting that my hard work in high school paid off and I am going to my dream college.” 

Ava Demers, 12: “I am very excited about prom and seeing all the gorgeous outfits everyone wears to it! I am so anxious to know what the theme is as well.” 

Martell Longino, 12: “I am very excited to graduate and make money.” 

Justice Dwyer, 12: “I am most looking forward to seeing my fellow seniors being free from the shackles of high school.” 

Dakota Planet wishes you good luck in your second semester of school. The finish line is right around the corner!