The Truth of Dual Enrollment

With numerous students taking this course due to wanting to get out of school early, many don’t realize the intensity or reality of the college class they are planning on taking.

At Dakota High School, there is an option to take advanced courses that can even be considered more intensive than AP (Advanced Placement): an actual college class. The option of Dual Enrollment and Early College has become increasingly popular, yet many students who choose to take these courses do not anticipate the commitment the classes will take nor the expectation of collegian-level work. Thus, this article will explain the truth of the classes, which will also be considered from a personal perspective, as I have taken-and am currently enrolled in-the Dual Enrollment program.  

Myths and Reality 


Myth – You can put the same amount of effort-or less-into the college class as a high school class.  

Reality – Depending on the professor, this can be true. However, in most cases, you will have to put in a bit more effort than you are likely used to. The professors will expect college-level work, as you will be sitting in class with college students, so it is likely that you will have to mirror your peers.


Myth – Dual Enrollment is only for students who get A’s and B’s. 

Reality – Dual Enrollment is not only for “A and B students.” Frankly, it is for everyone. Anyone can take this course so long they plan appropriately with their counselor, and they are dedicated enough to complete the class. 


Myth – Dual Enrollment looks bad on your transcript.  

Reality – It looks great on your transcript! It shows that the student is ready for a continued college education, which is exactly what colleges look for. 


Myth – Dual Enrollment is a way to “test the water” and will not count towards college. 

Reality – There is an option for the class to count towards your college transcript, and many high schools require the student to choose that specific option. However, at Dakota, there is an option for it to only count towards your high school transcript or for it to count towards both.  


Personal Experience 

I have enrolled and completed LAWE 1100, otherwise known as Criminal Justice. Being a LAWE class, it was quite challenging, but the professor was excellent. The workload could be heavy at times, and we were required to work with teams every week, but the overall experience was incredible. My professor, Mrs. Roberson, hated to fail her students, so she always gave students second chances regarding repeating assignments. Overall, it was a very rewarding experience, and I passed the class with a 100.32%. 



Dual Enrollment can be a incredibly rewarding experience if the student has the dedication to complete the class. Students at Dakota have the opportunity to take up to 4 college classes, so take into consideration what the workload will look like, what your breaks will be, and so on.