Best Games to Play Over Break

Holiday break is the one time of year you can go pull those board games out that have collected dust in your basement and get your family together, but which one do you play first? 


Milborne is a card game designed for up to six players. The objective of the game is to team up or go solo and try and stop the player from winning. The game has cards that either show mileage, road problems or car problems that you must fix in order to keep going.  


This classic game is always a long and fun filled game that has endless possibilities. The game Life is a board game that includes a game board, mini cars, houses, and people. You can build off the game by creating your own life, you pick your destination. 

What Do You Meme 

This hilarious card game is a way to see who can make you laugh the hardest. There is a set of cards that has a question on it and then the player can pull a card which they find funny and could make the other player laugh. Similar to the game Cards Against Humanity 


Who can climb to the top and make the most? It is a classic property trading game that has been around for years. This long game may also turn tables and see who you can really trust… 


Mancala is a wooden table that snaps open and has little divots to place the small beads that you use to move into each hole and see how many times around you go to get the most beads or points. 

This holiday season is a time to slow down and start playing new games you may not have heard of. All these games require no previous skill, just a few people and what better time than this holiday season? 

Happy holidays from the Dakota Planet!!