
Picture from:

One may think of many things at once

And in their brain they hunt

For that one piece they surmount

Compelling them to take it into account


When given a new chance at life, perhaps a fresh start

One forgets about everyone and starts to part

It’s possible they want power, or money, or control

But I just can’t believe they would come back the same after such a dark goal


I never thought about it, it wasn’t like them to do this

However here I was, watching them stare into the dark abyss

Perhaps to find their purpose

Their hands trembling because they were nervous


If only I saw it sooner, what they would turn into

They were determined to find a new body to pursue

It all came down to one more night

Here, they were going to make it right


Their nerves lit up in flames

Just to be sure new ones can reclaim

A burning pleasure dancing in the seven chakras

A different aura to fill the mantra


They knew what they wanted, it was obvious

They stood there until their body became osseous

Though they came back, changed

Their mind and soul were exchanged