There’s A New Ice Age Movie…

Yes, you heard me right. There is a new Ice Age movie coming to Disney + on January 22nd, 2022. It is called “Ice Age: Adventures of Buck Wild”, and it is possibly the worst Ice Age film in the franchise. When watching the trailer, you can see a massive drop in animation quality. It is almost nauseating, as the character designs are in the uncanny valley, making the trailer really hard to sit through. I want to be optimistic here, but come on! The fact that Disney is making this film honestly makes it worse, because there are many talented people who can undoubtedly make “The Adventures of Buck Wild” great, but there are a lot of things holding it back. First of all, the story revolves around Crash and Eddy, the possum brothers of Ellie. They are the most annoying characters in the franchise and giving them their own movie was definitely the wrong thing to do. Hopefully they are able to redeem themselves with a good story and character development, but it is very unlikely.