5 Easy Ways to Get Better Grades!


#1. Learn How To Juggle!   

This really works! Scientists at the University of Regensburg have found that after someone learns to juggle, it restructures their brain to process information faster when relating to moving objects! The faster a person can process incoming information, the better the person can react.

# 2. Eat Chocolate!

Studies show that eating chocolate can enhance focus and concentration! With boosted focus and concentration, it opens the mind to think more creatively and also decreases the person’s chances of having writers block!

#3. Relax!  

Studies show that if a person is more relaxed, they are less likely to suffer from writer’s block and they also have more creativity. Overworking someone’s mind, despite a contrary belief, does not boost a person’s productivity level! Going through a person’s daily routines with ease increases creativity and decreases stress levels.

#4. Immerse Yourself in the Color BLUE!

  The University of British Colombia have found that the color blue boosts your ability to think creatively! Many teachers already ask their students to use blue pen to boost memory while taking notes, and it was not just a color at random! Not only does blue increase creativity, it has a calming factor.

#5. Have a Good Laugh!

 Studies show that if someone laughs, they have more of an ability to solve a problem that needs a creative solution. This means that laughing helps increase creativity while also boosting problem solving skills.

CREDIT – All credit for these tips go to Scott Burken and DaringtoLiveFully.com