Top 5 Ways to Cope with Midterm Stress

Image result for picture of midterms in schoolMidterm Stress

Midterms is a very hard and stressful time of the school year for many students in high school. Many students start to become overwhelmed with all of the exam packets and studying they have to do. Everyone crams their studying in the night before and this is where the stress begins. Not many people think to destress and cope with it, so here are some ways you can do so.

Ask for help

Asking for help whether it is from a teacher or a friend can be very beneficial. Many students don’t take advantage of this and think it is weird to ask a teacher about a question. The teachers are there to help their students. By asking for help it can be beneficial by making you understand the lesson you are confused on, and can make you feel more comfortable. This will help reduce some stress about the exam.

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Take a break

Taking a break is very important to remember when studying. Around exam time people especially go into full power mode and cram everything in at once. This can be very tiring and exhausting on the body. By taking a break it lets your body recuperate and will make you a lot more refreshed. This will also help to maintain top study performance and can actually increase focus, help you better retain information, and of course reduce stress.

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Don’t wait till the last minute

This is one thing many students do, which is wait till the last minute. Many think that they can learn a whole semester of information in one night and this is where students start to realize it is impossible and get stressed. By not waiting till the last minute and studying as you learn throughout the semester, it will help you to remember the lessons you learned, but also not put an overwhelming amount of stress on you the night before exams.

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Treat it like a normal test

Just the thought of taking exams is very overwhelming to some students. Its good to keep in mind that you have pretty much already taken the tests that will be on the exam. Exams are just another way to see what you have learned throughout that semester. Not as many people tend to stress as much over a normal test, so by just thinking that there shouldn’t be any surprises on the exam and nothing you haven’t seen before, may help relieve the stress a little. Also by keeping in mind that it is just another test may help you to focus a little better and not work yourself up as much.

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Exercising is a great way to reduce any type of stress and is a good way to keep your body healthy. Around exam time especially is when more students are stressed more then ever. Besides reducing the stress, exercising is a known way that you can boost your mood and it can help to make you more productive while studying. It doesn’t mean you have to go out for a run, you can do any type of exercise just to take your mind off of school for a little bit and let it rest.

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