The Walking Dead Season 9 Second Half Return Preview 

The Walking Dead Season 9 second half is returning this Sunday, February 10th, 2019.   

The last episode (the mid-season finale) was an exciting and shocking episode.  The series left off where the leader of the Hilltop, Jesus, was stabbed and killed by a surprising new threat.  Leading up to this, Daryl and his group went to try to find two people from their group, Eugene and Rosita, who were missing.  While on the mission, Daryl and his group encountered a dangerous zombie herd.  They began killing the zombies until one “zombie” brought out a knife and killed Jesus.  When this “zombie” killed Jesus, it whispered to him saying, “You are where you don’t belong.” Daryl and his group were shocked, and one member of Daryl’s group killed that “zombie”. Daryl touched the “zombie’s” head and he felt a mask and took it off to reveal that this zombie was actually a person.  This was a surprising new threat that could destroy them all.     

The show is returning with the big shocking death of a main character.  Based on the comic book and the trailers that AMC has released, there is a new group called “The Whisperers” who are a villainous group. The Whisperers are a group of dangerous survivors that cover themselves with dead zombie skin to blend in with the zombies and not get noticed.  Daryl and his group must face this new threat.