
On October 31th, Dakota High School’s annual Walk-A-Thon will take place in the football stadium. The Walk-A-Thon is the biggest fundraiser of the school year and funds many programs run by the student body. This fundraiser allows students from all grades to be dismissed from one class period and walk on the track while participating in entertaining games.

Depending on how much money each student donates determines what rewards the student qualifies for. For $5, students get to attend the event. Rewards for $10, $25, $50, and $100 include tickets for prize baskets, cider, donuts, lighted cups, lunch line fast passes, personalized parking spaces and more. The class that raises the most money will be released from school and watch a movie of their choice at the theatres.

Mrs. Carter, an assistant principal, has pledged to get duct taped to a wall if $30,000 is raised. Also if the student body reaches a total of $50,000 Mrs. Carter and Mr. Downham will get permanent tattoos. This demonstrates the willingness of the Dakota administration to encourage students to donate. Hopefully these deals become as memorable as Mr. Sibley sleeping on the school’s roof because of the 2017-18 Walk-A-Thon.