The World of Ataros (A Fantasy World) pt 2

The discovery of man led many of us to consider our place in the world. For we saw that the life of man was that of a blink of an eye. However, some would choose to go out and teach these younglings, while others were content with continuing as normal. And over the next five hundred years man would spread throughout the west and south, while the we watched. 

But we would soon discover that the world was far larger than we could have imagined. For to the south of Theldwen stood a land of sands and dunes. There we found tribes of man that had built cities of their own, all across a great river. But to our surprise, these intelligent men would fight over the river that sustained them all. We would wonder why they would fight over the source of their shared life, but we would never know, for we have long since abandoned that question.  

As that would be the least of worries, as in the east a great tide was growing and the Eldar would face it. …. At great cost