On January 31st, the Dakota Cougars had a meeting for the 2018 Lacrosse team!
At this meeting, there were returning players as well as new faces. The biggest change of them all was that there were girls as well as boys. This is the first team that is Co-Ed in lacrosse! This is going to shock many teams, and people, as the team was strictly boys only last year.
The meeting gave everyone the information that they needed for the season. First, everyone learned that we would be selling beef jerky for the second year in a row. If the athletes sold a specific amount, they would get a special Dakota Lacrosse shooting shirt. Next, they learned that tryouts begin on March 12th and go through the week until March 16. Everyone was very excited to hear that there are going to be tryouts this year! Third, the season wasn’t going to start on March 12, it was going to begin on February 5th with the conditioning they have to do to get in shape for the regular season. The days that the boys and girls condition are Monday 3:30-5 p.m., Wednesday 3:30-5 p.m. and Thursday from 5-6:30 p.m. This meeting was also home to the official release of the schedule for the boys and girls. Finally, after having a rough season last year, the boys and the new girls that are ready to play and want to have a different outcome from last year.
We are really pumped for the new season and what will come in the future!