2018 Scholastic Art Award Winners
Every year there are the scholastic art awards where students from all different schools can enter pieces of their favorite art that they think most represents their view on the world. This year, out of 2200 entries, Dakota High School has some winners to cheer for.
they have worked tirelessly to capture and express their unique views on the world. Wether it be through drawing, photography or other forms of art. Their pieces that they submitted, wether win or lose, best represents them as artists and their creative edge.
The art portfolios that have earned the Gold Key award include Elena Dimeski’s “Young & Beautiful.” The other winner is Donald Gloede with his “Life is Beautiful.” The rest of the Gold Key winners for individual works are Alexis Jeffries and Leah Papke.
The winners that have earned the Silver Key and Honorable Mention awards for one or more individual pieces. That list includes Kendall Bendzinski, Jenna Bruce, Melina Deratany, Donald Gloede, Anna Hunyor, Alexis Jeffries, Carter Moberg, Isabella Pacifico, Leah Papke and Jordan Piklor.
The awards ceremony will be held on January 29th at the Macomb Center for Preforming Arts at 7:00 pm. Visit and come support the future artists of the world and their work.