What is motivation?


Motivation is a big part of our lives. Everyone needs it. It could be the smallest thing like putting away clothes. It could also be graduating from high school, college, and getting your degrees. It helps with finding the jobs you want and helps go down the road to get there. You do not have to finish everything in one sitting. You can finish whatever you need to do in small increments. It is okay to stop and focus on yourself. Your inner self and mental health are just as important as the things you need to accomplish. Do not let anyone stop you from doing that. Everyone loses motivation sometimes. It happens. It is human nature to lose it. If you are feeling that you do not have that drive to do anything anymore, find diverse ways to do the things you love. Find ways to accomplish the things you need to do to succeed.  

What is Motivation? 

As said by verywellmind.com, motivation describes why a person does something. It is what helps us do the things we need to do in life. This could be from getting a job, a promotion, setting goals, achieving those goals, etc. Motivation helps us with just getting up in the morning to go to work or school, or both. As said by psychologytoday.com, motivation is one of the driving forces behind human behavior. It sparks social connection. 

There are many stages, forms, and types of motivation. In this article, you will learn about some of them. The distinct types of motivation are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.  


Intrinsic Motivation: 

Intrinsic motivation is when you do something for yourself. These involve your passions, personal values, interests, or hobbies. This can help you focus on personal goals. It can help you figure out or help you complete your life purpose. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation 

Types of Intrinsic Motivations: 

Learning Motivation: 

This is when someone wants to achieve something by learning how to do it. This could be learning a new skill, improving a skill, or learning new information. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation. 

Attitude Motivation: 

This is when you have the correct attitude to do something. This helps the drive to do a task or activity. It is about making yourself feel better about what you are doing and what you are accomplishing. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation. 

Achievement Motivation: 

This type of motivation is when you do not think about the reward of the task, but the accomplishment you made by finishing that task. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation.  

Creative Motivation: 

This type of motivation is where one is happy with the accomplishment or task they chose. They are happy with the freedom of choice and the freedom of time to finish their task or goal. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation. 

Physiological Motivation: 

This motivation is associated with biological and physical needs. This could be drinking a certain amount of water a day or eating enough calories and meals a day. This can also include following a certain diet you wanted to try. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation. 


Extrinsic Motivation: 

Extrinsic motivation helps you finish your short-term goals. Rewards are also something that can help with those short-term goals. Extrinsic motivations are usually used for schooling. When being interested in what you are doing, it can help finish your assignments. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation.  

Types of Extrinsic Motivation: 

Incentive Motivation: 

This is where someone only does a goal or task for the reward. They do not entirely care about what they have accomplished or finished. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation.  

Fear Motivation: 

This type of motivation is where someone is afraid of the outcome if they do not complete their goal or task. They fear that if they do not get to where they need to be, they will fail. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation. 

Power Motivation: 

This can be where someone wants control over themselves or someone else. They will use this motivation to complete a task that will help them control and or be in a higher position than other people. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation.  

Social Motivation: 

This is the desire to be accepted by a certain social group. They want to work hard enough to be accepted by people and society. https://www.betterup.com/blog/types-of-motivation. 


Ways to Help Increase or Improve Motivation: 

-Set specific and achievable goals 

-Think about what you want to do in life and find the tasks you need to accomplish and achieve to get to that point 

-Break large goals into smaller ones to help finish and achieve the small steps to get to the main goal 

-Have some support in your life. This could be friends, family, co-workers, teachers, counselors, etc. 

Some ways to help achieve your goals: 

-Make the goals a part of your everyday routine. Find an app or make a list of the certain goals or tasks you need to finish every day 

-Keep your mind relaxed and focused. It will help you in the long run 

-Try to stay positive with everything you do. You might feel overwhelmed, but that is normal 

-Reward yourself with something small every time you complete a goal or task 

How to stay motivated: 

-Keep making new goals when you finish the other small ones 

-Review your progress and your goals. See what you have finished and what you need to keep working on 

-Keep an achievable momentum. You do not need to speed through every task 

-Stay away from negative people. Find positive minded people. Negative people will slow you down. Do not let anyone stop you from achieving the things you want to achieve 

-Find people to look up to. It can help you reflect on yourself and what you are doing 

-Take a break when you need it. Do not lose hope. You will accomplish it when you put the time and effort you need to get there 

-Make sure you are also focusing on your mental health while doing these tasks and goals 

What to do if you lose motivation: 

-See if your goals are realistic. Make sure that the time period you set is also realistic 

-Take breaks 

-Find help from someone you trust. They could help push you in a positive way 



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