A Broken Backpack Epidemic


At the start of the 2022-2023 school year, a clear backpack policy was enforced at Dakota High School. Students are required to either carry their belongings, leave them in their locker, or use a clear backpack.

In the past year, we’ve had multiple changes to the school backpack policy. After the return to in-person learning following Covid-19, administration was more flexible, allowing students to bring any backpack to and from class. Then, the second semester of the 21-22 year, clear or mesh backpacks were required. But as of the start of this year, clear backpacks are the only acceptable thing to carry around.

This rule was implemented in the best interest of students and staff as a safety protocol, but despite it’s good nature and safety, many students were not happy about it. Here’s what some students had to say:

“I’ve gone through three so far, and spent almost 100 dollars.” -Mackenzie Kohen, 12

“I appreciate the safety precaution, but I’ve spent over 150 dollars on backpacks from September 2021 to November 2022.” -Mackenzie Patenaude, 12

“It has been extremely aggravating having to walk at an angle so things don’t fall out of my bag. I’ve even had people try t0 pull things out of it.” -Alyssa Zerilli, 12

“I don’t think clear backpacks solve a problem. Making parents or students keep buying backpacks is too costly” -Natalie Nehara, 12

Backpacks have been breaking all year, and this issue is rapidly increasing as the year goes on. People have gone through multiple backpacks this year already, and we are barely into second quarter. Broken zippers, torn out sides, holes, and broken straps have caused havoc in the halls as people struggle to get their things to class. Kids are walking around holding and dragging their back packs, or losing things out of the various rips and holes.

The truth is: plastic is just not meant to hold the many, heavy supplies students need at school.

The solutions are: use your locker, utilize your laptop, condense your school supplies, or keep buying more backpacks- so here are a few students claim are better quality in hopes your bag will last longer:

  • https://www.amazon.com/Backpack-Backpacks-Transparent-Security-Sporting/dp/B081NBS99L/ref=sr_1_43?crid=3EKASNW28YKYZ&keywords=clear+backpack&qid=1668618429&sprefix=clear+bac%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-43
  • https://www.amazon.com/Nike-Brasilia-Clear-Training-Backpack/dp/B07YHBZ37Y/ref=sr_1_17?crid=3EKASNW28YKYZ&keywords=clear+backpack&qid=1668618429&sprefix=clear+bac%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-17

Good luck.