A Recap of My Time on The Dakota Planet

Picture from: The Dakota Planet on Facebook!

Picture from: The Dakota Planet on Facebook!

As my senior year comes to an end, I wanted to look back on my time writing for The Dakota Planet.

I remember first joining the staff and publishing my first ever story. I was ecstatic and thought it was the best thing I have ever written, but months later, I can say that I have improved so much as a writer. A goal I wanted to meet when joining was to write better stories, even creatively. I can proudly check that off my list, and although I’m not the best writer in the world, I love what I have provided for this newspaper.

Despite all of that, having an amazing advisor made my time so much more enjoyable. Mrs. Sarver is always supportive of students with what they provide, and it’s so encouraging. It’s important for any type of publication, especially student publication that people are represented and that students can express themselves through their work.

Overall, I am so grateful for my time on this newspaper and for being able to publish my own work for other people to read. I wish I had more time, but regardless of that, I will continue to cherish the memories I have created.