Help Stop The Killing of Sharks


Over the last two decades, fishing for sharks has intensified and now in Costa Rica 40 species of sharks are in danger of extinction. Killing sharks could ruin our ecosystem. Sharks help keep the ocean balanced and with out them coral reefs will start dying, over population of certain fish, and dying out species because off food loss. Sharks typically hunt for the sick or weak which helps stop the spread of diseases. Without them it could cause fish to spread diseases throughout the ocean leading back to us when we consume the fish.

Some people think that getting rid of sharks will decrease shark attacks which has been proven to be false. Statistics show that  worldwide on average there are 10 death a year due to shark attacks. Humans kill around 100 million sharks a year. The more we kill sharks and the decreasing population has nothing to do with the increase or decrease number in shark attacks. Fishing for sharks happens faster than sharks can reproduce. Sharks take around 3 years to develop and 15 years to fully mature. We are killing them faster than sharks can repopulate which causes them to go extinct.

If you want to help stop the killing of sharks in Costa Rica I have linked a petition below.