Stop Debarking Dogs

Stop Debarking Dogs

Debarking is a procedure where tissue from dogs vocal cords are removed to permanently reduce the volume of their barks. This procedure is so inhumane and unethical that most veterinarians refuse to do this surgery. Although many veterinarians will not preform this procedure there are still plenty of other veterinarians that will. Debarking dogs are only illegal in 2 states. The act of debarking dogs can cause not only cause physical problems but behavioral problems as well.

Physical and behavioral problems include:

  • increased risk of aspiration pneumonia, breathing difficulties, exercise intolerance, and chronic coughing or gagging.
  • Increased risk of little airway allowed in during future surgeries.
  • Increased risk of threats to safety because of the dogs inability to ward off threats or vocalize the threats to other dogs or humans.
  • Increased levels of stress which can cause a decline is overall health problems.
  • Decreased ability to communicate wants to their owners or other dogs which can lead to harm to themselves or others.
  • Increased level of frustration which can lead to destructive behavior towards or aggression towards other animals or people.

I have linked a petition below to help stop the procedure of debarking dogs.