An Interview with a Profiler


You know like those people from Criminal Minds that do profiling and stuff? Well in case you don’t know what profiling is, Oxford Languages defines profiling as “the recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to asses or predict their capabilities.”

John is a retired 11-year Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class in the United states Coast Guard. Born in Kentucky and stationed on USCG Belle Isle Station of Law Enforcement Detachment, he was chosen to be a Maritime Law Enforcement Officer on the Tactical Law Enforcement Team. Profiling was one of the biggest skills he had to use.

While now working for Mopar, John says that he uses profiling while interviewing candidates, conducting investigations (regarding health and safety) and general conversation with peers. He also states: “I think everyone should learn a degree of profiling. Mostly to understand body language.”

However, with profiling, there are dangers. “Profiling becomes dangerous when you profile incorrectly and you act upon those beliefs. Profiling is not something you pick up overnight: It is trained and purposeful.”

John’s profiling skills as well as the profiling skills of others have helped many. For example, John states that “by being alert and vigilant, and being able to identify when bad things were about to happen, I was able to stop and prevent many situations.”