The Little Prince

This book was written by popular writer Antoine de Saint- Exupery and published in 1943.
This story about little boy from asteroid B612.Book “ The Little prince” always make a discussion between people, because many of them think that it is fairytale for children. It is false. The story about little prince and his beautiful rose have more sense than we are thinking. Yeah, maybe for children it is a fairytale, but if you adult you should dive in to the book deeply.

The small boy is traveling from one planet to another. He saw so many people, who lost their was the “king” with no subject, a vain man, who was inspired by himself, a drunkard who was drinking only to forget that he is drunkard, businessmen, who only buying the stars and counting them, but he doesn’t like them,  a lamplighter, who turn on and off his light every minute only because it was his job, but this job was without any sense. On another planet was geographer, who only look through his maps/books and didn’t explore any of these places, even his own planet. The last stop was Earth where he met the pilot (Antoine de Sent-Exupery was pilot in army).Little prince told him about his long journey and rose, which is waiting for boy on B612.During his exploring of our planet he saw a garden with a million of roses, but he missed his own rose. He met a Fox, who become his friend.
All this planets are the embodiment of human vices. So many things happened with small boy with a big soul. I was impressed with the ending of the book, in that moment I felt so many emotions.
Of course it is your choice to read this book or no. My opinion that this book will cost the time that you spent on it.  It is a small book with a huge  meaning!!!